Showing Tag: "tips" (Show all posts)

SEO Tips –How to Manage Domain Names

Posted by Owen Cremin on Friday, November 30, 2012, In : SEO Tips 
Establishing a domain name is one of the most basic things to do if you are starting a website. It plays an important role in SEO ranking and getting leads. There are times that website owners get confused on the consequences when it comes to changing a domain name.  

 The video below shows a particular example of how to treat domain names the right way.


 For more information regarding the latest updates in the SEO industry, just go here.
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The Common Mistakes in SEO

Posted by Owen Cremin on Monday, November 26, 2012, In : SEO Tips 
A lot of people still commit mistakes when it comes to their search engine optimisation campaign. The SEO is a complicated place to dominate with. Therefore, people who want to venture in the internet world, seek SEO services to help them market their products and services and generate leads. The video below shows you the dos and don’ts in SEO marketing.
Maile Ohye from Google covers the five most common errors she finds in SEO, and then concludes with six quick tips to make sur...
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SEO Tips- How to Get Facebook Leads

Posted by Owen Cremin on Thursday, November 22, 2012, In : SEO Tips 
Many people still need advice regarding the proper way to market in Facebook. Some of the search engine optimisation marketers became too aggressive without doing any marketing research. As a result, they have failed and wasted their time, money, and effort. 

 The video below shows you the importance of Facebook ads when it comes to targeting the right person.

 Social media has now become a major part of ranking in the SERPs. As of now, SEO Services are starting to incorporate social media...
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