Showing Tag: "penguin" (Show all posts)

The Revenge of Black Hat SEO

Posted by Owen Cremin on Wednesday, November 21, 2012, In : SEO 
There is news in the search engine optimisation market expressing that despite the existence of Panda and Penguin changes, black hat SEO still discovers a way to overcome the algorithmic adjustments. Some web authorities say that the Panda and Penguin updates is in the chance of being obsolete. Because of this, Google is now pressured to conduct quick action. 

Some individuals in the search engine optimisation network were stunned when they learned that other high ranking ...

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Next Penguin Update: Just Stay Natural

Posted by Owen Cremin on Monday, August 27, 2012, In : SEO Strategies 
Many people in the SEO environment are starting to hold on to their seats for the incoming Penguin update. Some experts say that the latest refresh would be substantial. With this supposition, site owners from around the globe are trying to shake their brains in figuring out the variables of the arriving refresh.

In this situation, it would be advisable to just stay natural in whatever backlinking you do. You have to check your link variety and prevent over optimisati...
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