Showing Tag: "experts" (Show all posts)

How Google Ranks Your Site

Posted by Owen Cremin on Tuesday, November 27, 2012, In : domain names 
The first question that pops out in the minds of SEO beginners is how Google ranks a site. Over the course of years, Google has changed the way how they evaluate the ranking of each site. The way they indexed sites has upgraded from time to time. As a result, the way SEO experts offer their SEO packages has also changed many times.  

Currently, their data base has expanded and became more accurate when it comes to detecting spam and questionable content.  

The video below shows you a comprehens...

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Ways on How to Build Your Social Connections

Posted by Owen Cremin on Friday, September 28, 2012, In : Social networking 
There has been news reports in the search engine marketing field indicating that social sites like Facebook will carry out an essential role in generating traffic and will replace Google at some point. According to resources over the internet, Facebook is looking to step out in the search engine optimisation niche. This is a big threat for large search engine websites just like Google due to the fact there are billions of searchers in Facebook. 

For search engine internet m...

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